The EDF sustainable design challenge
to change energy for better living raises the question of how we all can contribute to the development of a harmonious sustainable society, by rethinking the use and production of energy.
«Nous avons la conviction profonde que l’avenir se construit avec les nouvelles générations, capables de porter un regard neuf et critique sur nos comportements en matière d’économie d’énergie.»
Bernard Salha, directeur de la R&D à EDF et Président du Jury du Challenge
Bernard Salha, directeur de la R&D à EDF et Président du Jury du Challenge
to change energy for better living raises the question of how we all can contribute to the development
of a harmonious sustainable society, by rethinking the use and production of energy
beyond products, processes and services, the challenge is to support research
and innovation on new day energy efficient solutions and to deliver objets
and devices to the general public and how to live longer and feel better
how to make future magic
how to improve your mind
what is a switch
of a harmonious sustainable society, by rethinking the use and production of energy
beyond products, processes and services, the challenge is to support research
and innovation on new day energy efficient solutions and to deliver objets
and devices to the general public and how to live longer and feel better
how to make future magic
how to improve your mind
what is a switch

comment changer le ton how to change the world comment faire campagne how to campaign comment agir maintenant how to work now comment réagir concrètement how to give expression to energy comment saisir la bonne tonalité de projet how to attack demagogy comment parler simplement à une majorité de gens how to speak quite simply comment rendre une information tangible how to produce a good crop comment donner le sens de l'humour how to take things in good part comment parler vert autrement how to negotiate in green comment aller vers le rouge how to have a high colour